By this bond made at Gujranwala on the 22nd February 2024 by ___________________ S/O ___________________ resident of __________________________________________ _______ working as _________ in Govt. High School _____________, Tehsil and District Gujranwala.
WHEREAS Mr. __________________ has planned to perform Umrah.
As the applicant is a Government servant in BPS-________ on a regular basis so surety shall be required to come back and continue the job in the Education Department, Gujranwala of Punjab. He will pay Rs. 50000/- in case of failure to fulfill the condition of employment stated above otherwise the giving surety bond shall be liable to pay Rs. 50000/- to the Education Department, Government of Punjab for which he has agreed to enter into this surety bond and has signed this surety bond as a token of acknowledgment.
Whereas Mr. ______________________ (Applicant/Surety) of Ex-Pakistan leave hereby undertakes to keep the Education Department/ Government of the Punjab indemnified from all types of losses and expenses incurred by the Government of the Punjab and promises to make food the payment of Rs. 50000/- amount of this bond.
The applicant is also bond not to serve/employee during Ex-Pakistan leave in any office/place. In case he fails to fulfill the conditions aforesaid requisite continuation of employment in the Education Department and return from abroad. The surety will be a bond to pay the bonded amount to the Education Department, Government of Punjab.
In witness whereof I/We have from our respective signature to this bond the day, Month, and year mentioned above.
Mr. _______________________
GHS ______________________
Name: __________________________
Designation: _____________________
CNIC: ___________________________
Name: __________________________
Designation: _____________________
CNIC: ___________________________
#surety bond sample
#surety bond format
#surety bond specimen